Nature flooded in resin
Resin cabochon
Resin cabochon, beautiful and unique. It was enough to take a short walk around the garden and the surrounding area and all kinds of plants were found in the house.
First, we bought molding silicone via the internet and made our own molds of stones of various shapes and sizes.
In addition, we used a long-forgotten silicone chocolate mold
We poured flowers, coffee, beads and even fishing wobbler. It turned out that pouring resin is very difficult and laborious, you need to watch the air bubbles. Maybe it is not perfect, however, unique cabachons were created ;-D
Cabachons poured in a silicone mold have uneven edges and are waiting for grinding and smoothing. I still have a little work before I can use them for jewelry
Making your own cabachon is very difficult and tedious, taking out air bubbles for many hours, pouring resin is very labor-intensive. Fortunately, I had helpers 😀
But the most important thing is probably the feeling of pride, that everything, all the jewelry I created alone – from the beginning to the end.
Below there is a photo of a flower flooded in resin. I sewed it with the method of bead embroidery (beads toho 11/0 and 15/0), finished with a long beautiful tassel and hung on a necklace made with herringbone technique